Sex Education

Sex Education Books

Sex Ed Online Resource

Vaginismus Information

Interview on the Doc Dave Show

Grief and Loss

Immediate support

Health Direct Helplines

International Association for Suicide Prevention

Lifeline 13 11 14 Free telephone counselling, Australia-wide, 24-hours.

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 For young people 5-25 yrs, Australia-wide, 24-hours.

Befrienders Worldwide

Other useful resources

Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 Information on depression.

Mental Health in Multicultural Australia 1300 136 289

Black Dog Institute (02) 9382 4530 Information on depression & bipolar disorder.

Suicide Prevention Australia (02) 9568 3111 Information & resources.

Reach Out! Online information and support service for people 16-25.

Headspace (03) 8346 8213 National youth mental health foundation.

SANE Australia 1800 187 263 Mental health symptoms, treatments, medications.

GriefLink (02) 6882 9222 Resources on death-related grief.


A Friend’s Place 1300 654 556 National centre for childhood grief.

Adults Surviving Child Sexual Abuse 1300 657 380 Support, information, referrals.

Love Is Not Abuse Information about the warning signs of teen dating abuse.

Cancer Information & Support 13 11 20 Information on any aspect of cancer.

Australian Drug Info Network Alcohol & drug rehabilitation services. Mindfulness techniques.

Mood Gym A free, self-help, online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) program.

Lifeline Service Finder Search for your local support services in Australia.

NSW Rape Crisis Centre 1800 424 017 Rape counselling & referral, 24-hours.

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 For young people 5-25yrs, Australia-wide, 24-hours.

National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling 1800 737 732

Mensline 1300 78 99 78 Supporting men & their families, Australia-wide, 24-hours.

Vietnam Veterans’ & Family Counselling Service 1800 011 046

Gambling Help 1800 858 858

Victims Access Line 1800 633 063 For victims of crime, NSW only.

Gay & Lesbian Counselling Service & Infoline (02) 8594 9596 or 1800 184 527 Counselling and information for all people dealing with sexuality and/or gender issues. 5:30pm – 9:30pm, 7 days.

GLBT Resource Guide