Trauma and EMDR Therapy 

Suffering trauma can leave you feeling very alone, stuck with sometimes no hope, Prue can gentely begin to change this and offer hope and a future.

 A traumatic event can be any experience which is associated with strong negative emotions. This event could range from sexual assault, DV, witnessing an event, unexpected death to repeated put downs.

The mind can often heal itself naturally, in the same way as the body does. Most of the time, your brain routinely manages new information and experiences without you being aware of it. However, when something out of the ordinary occurs and you are effected by an overwhelming event or by being repeatedly subjected to distress, your natural coping mechanism can become overloaded. This overloading can result in disturbing experiences becoming frozen in the brain or being ‘unprocessed’. So even though the painful experience may be forgotten, the traumatic memory is stored in our emotions, bodies and how we react and respond to present and future experiences and relationships are effected.

These effects could range from problems with sleep, diet, physical symptoms or unexplained sickness, relationship issues, changes to libido or painful sex, anxiety, depression to name a few.

EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing) is an effective therapy that can create connections between your brain’s memory networks, enabling your brain to process the traumatic memory in a natural way.

The brain’s natural healing and restorative function occurs during REM sleep, EMDR utilises a similar technique that mimics REM sleep to promote healthy connections between memory networks so a client can become ‘unstuck’ and therefore not be hindered or ‘triggered’ by painful feelings that relate back to the trauma.

EMDR is a powerful style of therapy that has shown to be highly effective in a short period of time. Therapy begins with a thorough history and assessment and a client is introduced to a variety of techniques that support and empower them to cope with strong feelings during and in between sessions.

If you would like some more information regarding EMDR please contact Prue.

Your healing can begin now.